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Mental Health Awareness Week 2024

To mark Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 and with a focus on this year’s theme: Movement, the Film and TV Charity has shared some tips and advice on how you can put your wellbeing first. 

Whether it’s moving your body by going for a walk, taking active breaks, or even using the Charity’s Wellbeing Check-in, there are plenty of ways to support your own mental health. The Charity’s free-to-use services are also available, including up to six counselling sessions, a free and confidential Film and TV Support Line, and much more available through the Charity’s website - click here to find out more. The Charity also has information and resources specifically targeted at organisations, to help employers and leaders to support their employees.  

The Film and TV Charity supports the mental health, financial wellbeing and physical wellbeing of both fulltime staff and freelancers working behind the scenes in film, TV, and cinema. If you are interested in news about the Charity’s services, events, opportunities and industry insights, click here to sign up to its monthly newsletter.