Our dedicated Policy Team works to ensure that the voice of indie producers is represented to those governing our country and factored into their decision making.

Our aim is to achieve the best economic, regulatory and legislative environment in which our Members’ businesses can thrive.

We work with parliamentarians, Government officials and industry partners to try to improve the regulatory environment for UK indies. We also respond to political and regulatory reviews on behalf of our Members and submit evidence to inquiries from Parliamentary Select Committees and Government departments such as HM Treasury, the Lords Communications and Digital Committee; and the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee.

We like to draw on the vast experience and expertise of our Members through Working Groups, consultations and surveys on particular issues. By listening to the views and lived experiences of Pact Members we can better understand the issues they face and how we can support them through our policy work.

Image: Westminster, Houses of Parliament

Download our Manifesto for Growth

Read our policy position paper, which outlines our six key proposals for how the Government can continue to grow the UK independent film and TV production sector.

Key Pact campaign successes include... introduction of terms of trade, the Production Restart Scheme, film and TV tax reliefs, Young Audiences Content Fund


Do you have a query about our lobbying and campaigning work? Contact our Policy Team